By Kerry Shapiro and Daniel Quinley On January 20, 2025, President Donald J. Trump issued the “Unleashing American Energy” Executive Order to, among other things, establish the United States as a “leading producer and processor of non-fuel minerals.” (“Executive Order”) The Executive Order emphasizes key energy policies, including the removal…
Articles Posted in Legislation
U.S. Supreme Court Narrows Scope of EPA Authority Under the Clean Water Act in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency
By Kerry Shapiro and Daniel Quinley On May 25, 2023, the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, narrowing the scope of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulatory authority under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The court held that the EPA’s authority under the…
California and Federal Endangered Species: Fall 2022 News Roundup
By Kerry Shapiro and Daniel Quinley The last month has seen a flurry of activity related to the California and Federal Endangered Species Acts, including: The California Supreme Court’s denial of review in the Almond Alliance of California v. California Fish and Game Commission litigation Governor Gavin Newsom’s appointment of…
Trump Administration’s WOTUS Rule Vacated by Arizona Court
By Kerry Shapiro On August 30, 2021, the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona issued an order in Pasqua Yaqui Tribe, et al. v. U.S. EPA, et al., vacating the Navigable Waters Protection Rule (“NWPR”) and remanding the rule back to the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and U.S.…
Backdoor Hardrock Mining Reform: House Environment and Natural Resources Committee Seeks to Add Royalty Fee for Minerals Mined on Federal Land into $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Budget
By Kerry Shapiro and Dan Quinley On September 9, 2021, the House Environmental and Natural Resources (“ENR”) Committee finished its mark-up of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget measure. Inserted at the very end of the 117-page mark-up is Section 70807: Hardrock Mining, which is a quiet attempt to reform the…
Biden Administration Temporarily Suspends Authority of Department of the Interior Bureaus and Offices
By Kerry Shapiro and Martin Stratte On January 20, 2021, President Biden’s first day in office, Acting Secretary of the Interior Scott de la Vega issued Secretarial Order No. 3395 (Order), which temporarily suspends decision-making authority delegated to Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureaus and Offices, such as the Bureau…
California Energy Commission Appoints Nine Members of Blue Ribbon Commission on Lithium Extraction
On December 9, 2020, the California Energy Commission (CEC) appointed nine members of the new Blue Ribbon Commission on Lithium Extraction in California (Lithium Valley Commission). The appointments were made pursuant to Assembly Bill 1657 (Garcia, Chapter 271, 2020) (AB 1657), which was signed into law by Governor Newsom on…
Construction Industry Update: New March 31, 2020 Bay Area Shelter-In-Place Orders Impose Stricter Limits on Construction Activities
On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, San Francisco and six other Bay Area counties and one city each issued a virtually identical Shelter-in-Place Order (collectively, the “Order”) that is, in many ways, more restrictive than (i) Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Stay-Home Executive Order N-33-20, and (ii) San Francisco’s March 16,…
Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Executive Order N-33-20 – Important Updates for Workers in the California Construction and Industrial Materials Industries
This blog provides important updates to the analysis in our March 20 and March 23 blogs addressing the impact on workers in the construction and industrial materials industries of Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Executive Order N-33-20 (“Order”) mandating, subject to certain exceptions, that “all individuals living in the State of…
Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Executive Order N-33-20: Important Updates for Workers in the California Construction Materials Industry
This blog provides important updates to the analysis in our prior blog addressing the impact on workers in the construction materials industry of Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Executive Order N-33-20 (“Order”) mandating, subject to certain exceptions, that “all individuals living in the State of California to stay home.” For background,…